Leelou Blogs

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Engagement Announcement!!!!

Make sure you purchase the Sunday January 3rd version of Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Jack and I's engagement announcement will be in the NEWSPAPER!!! Located in the variety section under announcements.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Rekiddling the love!

On Saturday we had Christmas on my dad's side of the family. My dad has not gone to his family Christmas in over 15 years. WOW! Long time. It was so nice for everyone to see him! The best part about family is that we start off just where we left off, just like we were never gone that long!! We had a blast at Gentell's house. Tons of delicious food and awesome gifts! As tradition goes, we played the dice game. There were so many presents we had to take 2 at a time!! I actually got everyone to participate in a family photo. The only people we are missing is Grandma Poopaloop (Dad's mom), my brother Brad (lives in California) and Jonas (2nd cousin) decided to take a nap... the whole night!!! And of course in April Tradition, we ended the night with some TIPPY CUP!!!! The girls won everytime!!! It was Kim's first time playing and she rocked it!! Go Kim!

Engagement Photos

Jack and I did our Engagement photos at JC Penney's last week. I think they turned out great. I have posted just a few of the favorites!!
*** Our Engagement announcement will be in The Star Tribune on Sunday January 3rd (one day only) so be sure to pick up a copy. I beleive it will be located in the variety section of the paper under announcements.